We recently invested in our shepherds and our future through a diocesan capital campaign. Now it’s time to invest in our parish! Catholic life is lived primarily in the local church among our neighbors, whom God calls us to serve. When we see a need in our parish, we might vaguely wish that “they” would do something about it. But we are they! If we don’t answer God’s call, no one will! Can you contribute to the life of our parish in these three ways?

1. Spend Your Time with the People of Our Parish

The Mass is the foundation of our parish community, but each of us needs to build on that foundation by cultivating relationships within the parish. There are many different ways to do this, meaning there’s something for everyone!

  • Small Groups meet regularly for prayer, fellowship, and mutual support. They are new at OLL starting this fall.
  • Guilds are social groups centered around a common interest like an activity, devotion, or cause.
  • Study Groups are for those who want to grow in their knowledge of the Catholic faith through small group discussion.
  • Devotions are ways to pray with your fellow parishioners, including Adoration, the Rosary, the Intercessory Prayer Group, and seasonal devotions.
  • Parish Events happen throughout the year, bringing parishioners together for faith, fellowship, and fun.
  • Reach out before and after Mass to the people you see in the pews every week.

2. Use Your Talents to Serve at Our Parish

Now more than ever, our parish needs your involvement to celebrate the sacraments, serve the poor, and preach the Gospel. It will take all of us working together to rebuild our parish ministries in the aftermath of the pandemic.

3. Give Your Treasure for the Needs of Our Parish

We are all responsible for our parish’s finances. Contributions fund our programs, facility, school, pastor, staff, and ministries to the poor and vulnerable. How can you help our parish continue this vital work?

  • Increase Your Giving: 73% of parish households give less than $500 per year. If these households (and others) increased their giving even slightly, it would make a huge difference! Please pray about how much the Lord is calling you to give.
  • Learn How Your Money Is Spent: 100% of offertory stays in our Holland-area community, going to support our parish, our school, and our local mission partners.

New parish office and private prayer hours begin Monday, March 3: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.