Join the OLL community for faith, fellowship, and fun throughout the liturgical year!
Sunday Coffee & DonutsParishioners and guests are welcome to gather in the hall after both Sunday Masses for fellowship, coffee, and donuts each week.
Advent RetreatThe whole parish is invited to this Sunday afternoon retreat in December. Participants must RSVP. We will pray together and complete a service project.
Candlemas Blessing & ProcessionWe bless candles and process into church for Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (February 2).
Blessing of ThroatsThis event takes place during Mass on the Memorial of St. Blase (February 3).
Mardi GrasThis event takes place after both Masses on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.
Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish FriesSupport the charitable work of the Knights of Columbus, spend time with your fellow parishioners, and get a great meat-free meal on all Lenten Fridays except for Good Friday.
Lenten RetreatThe whole parish is invited to this Sunday afternoon retreat. Participants must RSVP. We will pray together and complete a service project.
St. Joseph's TableAround the time of the Solemnity of St. Joseph (March 19), we celebrate Mass and have a blessing of donated food.
Blessing of the Easter FoodThis liturgical blessing of the food for the Easter feast takes place in the morning on Holy Saturday in the chapel.
Easter Vigil ReceptionThis event is especially for the RCIA candidates and catechumens who have just received the Sacraments of Initiation, but the whole parish is invited. It takes place in the hall following the Easter Vigil Mass.
Easter Egg HuntParish families are invited to this event that takes place after the 11 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass.
May CrowningThis blessing takes place during the Sunday Masses early in May. Second graders will receive First Communion and participate in the May crowning at the 5 p.m. Saturday vigil Mass.
Wedding Anniversary Blessing and ReceptionThis annual blessing and celebration takes place during and after a 5 p.m. Saturday vigil Mass.
Eucharistic Procession & Ice Cream SocialThis event follows the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. We pray in a special way for our parish school, Corpus Christi.
Parish Picnic & Marian ProcessionThis annual event is held after 11 a.m. Sunday Mass around the time of the Solemnity of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15). It is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
Birthday Party for Our LadyThis event is held after both Sunday Masses around the time of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8).
Fall FestThis annual event is held after an 11 a.m. Sunday Mass around the time of the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7).
Due to inclement weather, the parish office will be closed and all parish activities will be canceled on Tuesday, January 21. Mass will still be celebrated at 12 p.m. Stay safe and keep warm!