Staff Changes at OLL

Dear parish family,

With a heavy heart, I have accepted resignations from both Adam McNutt, our Youth Ministry Coordinator, and Carla Niziolek, our Director of Discipleship. While this is sad news, I am grateful that their resignations are for positive reasons in both their lives and careers.

Adam has faithfully led our youth ministry for six years and served as a volunteer for three years prior to that. In that time, he has built our youth program, impacted many lives, and brought joy and energy to our staff. Adam wants to discover what the Lord has in store for the next season of his life and feels that it’s time for him to explore career opportunities outside ministry. He will continue to lead our youth through May 17.

Carla has served on staff for seven years, first as a Children’s Ministry Coordinator and then leading our Discipleship Department. During that time, she has built Discipleship ministries that are faithful, innovative, and models for other parishes. She co-founded the Lakeshore Academy for the New Evangelization, created the LANE Kids program, and served on numerous committees at the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Carla is pursuing opportunities outside church ministry. Her last day on staff will be March 8.

We have been truly blessed to have these two exceptional individuals on our team, and we know that they will continue living their faith and making an impact wherever the Lord leads them.

I am working with staff to ensure a seamless transition in programming. I will update all of you once we have transition plans in place.


Fr. Michael Burt