A Tour of OLL

Front EntranceThe front doors of the church are accessible from the main parking lot.

Gathering SpaceThis large area contains the welcome desk, bulletin boards, and other displays. Parishioners often socialize here before and after Mass and other events. The purpose of this space is community and communication. It is distinct from the nearby narthex.

NarthexThis is the area outside the main church and chapel doors. It is distinct from the nearby gathering space. The statue of our Lady and the holy water font are at the heart of the narthex. The purpose of the narthex is preparation for prayer and worship. The coat room is adjacent.

Main ChurchMass is celebrated here on Saturdays, Sundays, and holy days. Baptisms and other liturgies are also celebrated here.

ChapelThe tabernacle is located in the chapel, along with the Reconciliation Room, an altar for the celebration of Mass on weekdays, and several pieces of devotional artwork

Cry RoomChildren are always welcome in the main church, but parents are also welcome to bring their children to this room during Mass.

Fr. Nash HallAccessible off the gathering space, the hall is used for Sunday coffee and donuts, indoor parish events, and large meetings. This space contains a kitchen and coffee makers.

Hall Classrooms 1-6The classrooms off the hall have moveable walls so they can be combined in different ways. The walls can also be completely taken down to expand the hall.

Catechists' RoomThis room contains supplies and work space for our catechists.

Bride's RoomBridal parties can prepare for weddings in this room.

Room ABThis large classroom is used for a variety of meetings and classes. It can be divided into two smaller classrooms, Room A and Room B.

Kids' CornerThis room is designed for small children.

Choir RoomOur choir practices here, and the Director of Sacred Music’s office is in the back.

LibraryThis room houses our collection of books and study materials. Many meetings take place here.

OfficeOur main desk and staff offices are accessible through the office doors off the chapel/office parking lot.

Prayer GardenA team of volunteers maintains this beautiful place of prayer. Mass is celebrated here on Thursdays during the summer. There is a trail in the woods nearby. Learn more about the prayer garden and our parish grounds by clicking here.

Fire Pit and TrailThe fire pit is located across the main parking lot from the church. This area also includes a trail and a softball field. Learn more about our parish grounds by clicking here.