Prayer Angels
A dedicated group who pray from home, confident in the grace of our Lord, and holding all prayer requests in complete confidentiality.
A-Fibbers Support Group
This group supports those with atrial fibrillation. It meets on the third Wednesday of the even months (February, April, June, etc.) of the year at 4:30 p.m. in the parish library at OLL.
Post-Op and Newborn Meals Team
A group of parishioners who support others immediately after surgery or having a baby by providing meals. This is a great way to serve others during stressful times and be pro-life at all stages of life. You will receive an email when a meal program is being formed and will have the…
BeFrienders Ministry
BeFrienders is a listening and support ministry that requires a training and apprentice period. It is extremely rewarding. You will be matched with someone traveling through a life-changing experience. Matches last for a few weeks to several months.
Witness to Hope: Cancer Support Group
This is a support group offering emotional solace and encouragement to people who might otherwise feel they are fighting alone. This includes those who: All are welcome to the meetings. They are held on the third Wednesday (January, March, May, etc.) of of the odd months of the year at…
Health Ministry Team
Volunteers work with our Parish Nurse to run a thriving health ministry at OLL. Together they organize our annual blood drive, parish first aid kits, the health ministry bulletin board, and visitations to home/facility-based parishioners.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our Parish Nurse periodically puts out a call for people to make prayer shawls and lap blankets for home/facility-based parishioners.
Widowed Friends
A friendly group supporting each other through the death of a spouse. All newly widowed men and women are welcome, as well as those further along on this path. Most of us know that when we lose a spouse our social groups can change. We all have a need to…
Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.)
Alcoholics Anonymous meets at Our Lady of the Lake on two different evenings every week and is open to anyone in the community.
Find Out MoreVisitation Ministry
As ministers of care, we hope to participate in living and sharing the Good News of Jesus, especially among the sick, home/facility-based, and bereaved. We remember the words of Jesus: “Do this in remembrance of me.” Be a part of a ministry team that: