Law Day 2022

Corpus Christi middle school students recently participated in mock trials as part of our school’s annual Law Day. After months of preparation, students assumed various roles in order to learn how our justice system works and gain experience with public speaking, critical thinking, and deductive reasoning.

In the sixth grade trial, the defendant was found not guilty of reckless driving and guilty of careless driving. Paul Kraus, who is the father of two Corpus Christi students, an OLL parishioner, a Corpus Christi Foundation board member, and Prosecuting Attorney for Ottawa County, once again assisted students throughout the process and served as the mock trial judge. Thank you!

Seventh and eighth graders participated in a mock murder trial at the Ottawa County Courthouse. The verdict was not guilty. Ottawa County Judge Jon Hulsing presided over the case and complimented the students on their work: “You guys were fantastic, really impressive. This restores my faith in the next generation.”

“This experience is exquisite in promoting cooperation and healthy academic competition among students possessing various abilities and interests,” said eighth-grade teacher Megan Koster. “There is nothing like hands-on experiences beyond the classroom walls to help students learn about the law, society and themselves.”

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