Free Throw Competition Winners 2025

Corpus Christi School Winners
The Knights of Columbus hosted the First Annual Free Throw Competition to celebrate Catholic Schools Week at Corpus Christi. Congratulations to the winners:
9-Year-Old Girls: Bridgette Schuon
9-Year-Old Boys: Simon Goldstein
10-Year-Old Girls: Luciana Vitale
10-Year-Old Boys: Eric Lemos
11-Year-Old Girls: Gabby Ysasi
11-Year-Old Boys: Lucas Ysasi
12-Year-Old Girls: Clara Kazprzak
12-Year-Old Boys: Joseph Neidlinger
13-Year-Old Girls: Olivia Mitchell
13-Year-Old Boys: Theo Spilman
14-Year-Old Boys: Lennox Ley
These winners will advance to the district-level competition on Saturday, February 8. Wish them good luck!
District Winners
Winners of our school’s Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition travelled to Spring Lake to compete in the next level of competition. Several of our athletes advanced to the Diocesan competition on Saturday, February 15th:
11-Year-Old Boys: Lucas Ysasi
11-Year-Old Girls: Gabriela Ysasi
12-Year-Old Boys: Joseph Neidlinger
13-Year-Old Boys: Theodore Spilman
Great job to all who competed and to those who will move on!