Walk with One During the Eucharistic Revival

By virtue of our Baptismal calling, the Lord is sending each of us to give witness to his saving love.

In the Scriptures, we hear over and over how Jesus invited people one by one to follow him. He also invites us to follow him more deeply and, just like him, to “walk with one” person to a new or renewed experience of God’s love.

Evangelization, or “bringing the Good News,” typically happens in one-on-one moments that are not planned or scripted. This can happen at the grocery store, the bus stop, or a sporting event. As Pope Francis has noted, “Anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 120).

You might be asking yourself: Where do I start with inviting someone to take a step closer to Jesus? How might I invite them forward in their faith? Here’s a simple four-stage process of accompaniment that focuses on a “heart-to-heart” approach:

  1. Identify someone in a spirit of humility
  2. Intercede for that person in communion with the Holy Spirit
  3. Connect in Eucharistic friendship
  4. Invite that person on a path most suitable for him or her

Throughout each stage of your “Walk With One” journey, we encourage you to pray the Eucharistic Examen to help you discern the path the Lord is calling you to follow (you can find this examen at eucharisticrevival.org/walk-with-one). The bottom line is this: If you can open your heart to speak about how Jesus has touched your life, your heart will touch the heart of whomever the Holy Spirit leads you to accompany.

To Be Continued…