New Setting of the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy)

During Advent, we will begin using a new setting of the Sanctus, or Holy, Holy, Holy. This acclamation is integral to the Liturgy of the Eucharist and is sung at the end of the preface prayer, after the priest has been recounting the many reasons for praising and thanking God. This new-to-us setting is composed in Gregorian chant and is one of the most used settings throughout the world, as it comes directly from the Roman Missal itself. In addition to connecting us with over 1,400 years of Church music history, Gregorian chant makes the text primary. Because of this, it can be easily sung with or without accompaniment. We will teach this new Sanctus to the congregation before all Masses on November 30 and December 1. Additionally, a recording can be found below if you are interested in hearing what it sounds like before then!

Immaculate Conception Masses: 12 and 6:30 p.m.