Connect & Contribute at OLL!
The Connect & Contribute Campaign is an annual effort to help all parishioners get more connected with our parish community and discern what ministry the Lord is calling them to. Browse these current ministry opportunities and other opportunities, pray about how the Lord is calling you to connect and contribute at OLL, then contact the parish to get started!
Help Out with Funeral Luncheons
The funeral luncheons our parish provides are a great blessing and comfort to grieving families. Volunteers prepare dishes, serve the food, and clean up afterward. Another team of volunteers calls food providers and luncheon workers to recruit them for each funeral. We are grateful for everyone who serves in this ministry, but we need more volunteers to make it sustainable. Please pray about becoming a caller, food provider, or luncheon worker. You will be able to choose whether or not you can help with any given funeral. If you are interested, please contact Miki Brierty, Hospitality Coordinator. Thank you!
Become a Catechist at OLL
Are you passionate about sharing your faith with young hearts? We invite you to serve as a catechist in our community! As a catechist, you’ll have the opportunity to help children and teens grow in their understanding of God’s love and make a difference in the lives of our future generations. No prior experience is required—just a willing heart and a desire to serve. Training and support will be provided. If you are interested, please contact Erin Pilarski, Children’s Ministry Coordinator. Thank you!
Join the Crafty Ladies
The Crafty Ladies will resume meeting weekly on September 10 from 1–3:30 p.m. in the AB Room. Bring a knitting, crocheting, quilting, or other project to work on. Please consider joining us for socializing and prayerful support in our daily lives.
One hour. One purpose: our children. Join a dedicated group of women who, in imitation of St. Monica, pray for their children to return to the practice of their Catholic faith, and for their children to always stay close to their faith.
Millions of Monicas ordinarily meets on the first and third Mondays of the month from 11 a.m. to noon in the OLL chapel. However, in September only they will meet on the second and fourth Mondays. For more information, visit
Pray for Our Pastor
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a holy hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop. We currently are looking to fill openings we have for two days as well as increase our substitution list. While praying before the Blessed Sacrament is preferred, it is not required, and the holy hour can be prayed at any time of day. Interested women should contact Kathy White at or 651-214-8795. You can also learn more at
Give Choir a Chance
We invite you to join the Liturgy Choir for a Sing & Snack event on Wednesday, August 28, from 7–8:30 p.m. in the choir room! Our first choir rehearsal of the year is open to anyone who may be interested. We will sing warm-ups and hymns, learn several new songs together, and end the evening with snacks and socializing. No previous choral experience is necessary. We invite you to come try out a choir rehearsal and see if it is something you may be interested in! Please contact Audrey Gorman, Director of Sacred Music, with any questions.
Serve at “Your Mass”
Many OLL parishioners have a particular Mass where they’re a regular—5 p.m., 9 a.m., or 11 a.m. Why not serve in a liturgical ministry at “your Mass”? You can designate which dates don’t work for you ahead of time, and if something comes up, you can request a substitute. Adding more regulars will relieve the burden on those who are currently serving. Contact Debbie Kraus, Liturgical Coordinator, to become a server. Thank you!
The next mandatory training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is September 21. Learn more and register here:
Women of the Word (WOW)
Women of the Word (WOW) will begin meeting again on Thursday, September 5, at 9:45 a.m. in the AB Room. We would like to invite all women of the parish to join us as we share our Catholic faith journey through books, videos, and online spiritual studies. Please prayerfully consider joining us.
The Knights of Columbus
Did you know that our international organization is 142 years old? That we were founded by a parish priest, Bl. Michael McGivney? That St. John Paul II called the Knights the strong right arm of the Church? That Knights change and save lives through our Faith in Action Programs? That the local Holland council has been named Star Council for the past four consecutive years?
You can be part of changing and saving lives by joining us. Go to and become a Knight today. Online membership is free if you use promo code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY. After joining us online, our council, St. John Neumann #7115, will contact you so you can transfer into our council. If you have any questions, please contact Grand Knight Gary Pullano at 616-566-8308 or Thank you and welcome to the Knights of Columbus!